These happy anniversary messages celebrate milestones of love. Join us in an anniversary waltz as these beautiful words supply the music!
1900 The Founder of Empire Day, 1897, Mrs. Clementina Fessenden, worked closely with IODE in its infancy and the first Empire Day Programme was arranged by IODE in Fredericton, New Brunswick on May 23rd.
11/15/2010 · Sex in Marriage Sexual problems are common in many relationships. This section is for discussions about sexuality. Please limit discussions to those asking for help with a problem and those offering advice.
Heifer International is a charity organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world by providing livestock and training to struggling communities.
Thousands gather for vigil to honour van attack victims in north Toronto CBC News
In between the first Matrix film and its sequels, Reeves received positive reviews for his portrayal of an abusive husband in The Gift.Aside from The Gift, Reeves appeared in several films that received mostly negative reviews and unimpressive box office grosses, including The Watcher, Sweet November, and The Replacements.
Originally known as the Walker Theatre, The Burton Cummings Theatre for Performing Arts (“The Burt”) was constructed in 1906-07.
7/3/2016 · I've spent a lot of time searching this forum and others, prior to posting this. It has made me realize both that DH and I clearly have some issues,
Date Event; 1950-52: 14th General Council, Toronto, Ontario, Moderator: The Right Rev. Clarence M. Nicholson. 1950: Reaffirmation of the 10th Anniversary Declaration on the 25th anniversary of church union.
A biographical history of Waterloo township and other townships of the county: being a history of the early settlers and their descendants, mostly all of Pennsylvania Dutch origin: as also much other unpublished historical information chiefly of a local character, v. 1