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    Davenport is the county seat of Scott County in Iowa and is located along the Mississippi River on the eastern border of the state. It is the largest of the Quad Cities, a metropolitan area with a population estimate of 382,630 and a CSA population of 474,226; it is the 90th largest CSA in the nation.

  3. James Meritt's General Anti-Creationism FAQ: Age of the …


    Methods of dating the earth are inaccurate. Exactly what is meant by "inaccurate" leaves much to be desired. Please see the August 1989 Scientific American article on the Age of …

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    A man tried to start a sexual conversation with a 13-year-old girl only to find out that ‘Chloe’ was an undercover police officer. Lee Davenport admitted what he had done and was ordered to hand over all his devices that could connect to the internet. But when the police went to his home they ...

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  10. Research on Social Network Sites - danah boyd


    Research on Social Network Sites (last updated: October 29, 2009) (updates w/ complete citation and links should be sent to zephoria [@] zephoria.org)