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Sunderland stars paid a surprise visit to Bradley Lowery's school to honour the courageous six-year-old's life. Manager Chris Coleman, defender Brian Oviedo and goalkeeper Mika Domingues shocked pupils when they dropped in to Blackhall Colliery Primary School in Hartlepool. The trio came baring ...
Kenny Smith, 48, spent months speaking to 'Katie Summers', a person he believed was a 15-year-old girl, on Facebook and dating website Badoo.
Workhouse Glossary Almshouse. An establishment, usually funded by a charitable endowment, providing free or subsidised accommodation for the elderly poor of good character, and typically constructed as a row of small self-contained cottages.
Eastbourne, Sussex [Bibliography] Up to 1834. A parliamentary report of 1777 listed parish workhouses in operation at West Dean (with accommodation for up to 18 inmates), Eastbourne (50), and Wilmington (8).