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A veto – Latin for "I forbid" – is the power (used by an officer of the state, for example) to unilaterally stop an official action, especially the enactment of legislation.
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More Tory MPs are named in the 'dirty dossier' of alleged indiscretions as new sex claims emerge and the ENTIRE document is published in America
Anne’s husband, a new £500,000 yacht and a business deal raising eyebrows at Westminster. Princess Anne and husband Sir Tim Lawrence have bought Rustler 44
Campaigners fighting opencast mine take 86,000-strong petition to Westminster. The Banks Group said the protests at the site near Consett does …
News; UK; UK Politics; Westminster today: Theresa May faces senior MPs questions over Cambridge Analytica and Vote Leave row - as it happened
That this House concurs with the House of Commons in their resolution of 31 January, and accordingly resolves that this House— (1) affirms its commitment to the historic Palace of Westminster and its unique status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Royal Palace and home of our Houses of Parliament;
The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs.
A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if they were never convicted.. Pardons can be granted in many countries when individuals are deemed to have demonstrated that they have "paid their debt to society", or are otherwise considered to be deserving of ...